Sunday, January 12, 2014

Are you experienced?

This book is about a boy who goes back to Woodstock. He loves to play guitar and hates that one day a year his father morns about his dead uncle. But on the night of his uncles death he gets so angry at his father that he plays the guitar that was his dead uncles. As soon as the chord is played he gets hit by a car on a highway. The girl and two boys get out of the car and go over to him. They introduce each other and the boy finally figures out that it is his uncle and father that he was talking to. His father was fifteen and uncle was around the age of twenty-two. They tell him they are going to Woodstock and all of the past happens. Find out what happens next. This was a great book. I love the author Jordan Sonnenblick, so anything by him I will read.

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