Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Of mice and men

This book is by John Steinbeck.

I have to say this book was interesting. I honestly thought this book was a little in appropriate for freshman, but it is what it is. So this book is about two friends, Lennie  and George. These friends have been together for a while. As we find out in the first few pages of the book, Lennie has a mental problem. As we learn Lennie is very sweet and means well. As for George, well he looks over Lennie. He cares for Lennie a lot! Throughout the book you hope they are both okay at the end! You fall in love with some characters. As for other characters, you soon hate them. But that's like any book! This book has a sad ending (sorry for the sad ending!). It's a good book with a great life story. Read this classic and be happy!

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