Thursday, September 5, 2013

Tips for 8th graders....

Tips for 8th graders: 
Always stay organized it will help you
Always have a clean locker and backpack
Have a folder for your subjects
Always listen in class
Always do your homework

These are some tips to help you in 8th grade!!

Flowers for Algernon

This book is about a boy named charlie and a mouse named Algernon. This boy named charlie is not very smart. His mother thought bad things of him when he was little and kicked him out of the house. Charlie was living with a man that he worked for but soon he was called in to a science lab to be tested on and they gave him some type an experiment. This experiment was tested on a mouse before charlie. This mouse was very smart because of the experiment. This book tells you the changes and emotional changes Charlie and Algernon have. This book is very good and may not be appropriate for anyone under the age of thirteen.

The Running Dream

This book is a very good book and teaches you that you can do anything. The main character Jessica is a very good and talented runner but she gets into a big bus accident in the midst of coming back home from a track meet. She has to go to the hospital and have her leg amputated off. Her journey is told in this book. This book is a very good and kind of sad but shows that if you put your mind into something that you can always do it.