Thursday, May 16, 2013

Beetle of Angels

This book is about his man named Mawi. This is a true story about a boys remarkable journey from a country that was poor and had nothing to going to Harvard college. This boy had nothing from were he was from he had to move from his country because there was a war going on he had to get any were else but there. So they moved they had to go to several different places until they got to america. It's a good book. It's sad.
Hope you enjoy.

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Into the wild

This book is about this girl and she lives in this fairy tale her mom is Rapunzel and her grandma is the witch but her grandma is nice when she is not ion the fairy tale. This is a fairy tale kinda book.
Her grandma owns this motel called the wishing well because thee is a huge wishing well in the motel and when you make a a wish it comes true and there is this big plant thing that is hiding under the girls bed and she knows because her mom put it there it is called the wild and the wild is this very bad thing that makes everyone and everything into a fairytale the wild finds certain characters that fit your personality and when it does our stuck in the fairy tale land forever until someone gets you out of course and this girl finds out she has a dad and he is is still trapped in the wild because he feed the girl and her mom and I am saying way to much, it us really good.

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Insurgent (2nd book of divergent series)

This book is good and picks up right were divergent left off. The book has a mystery sense to it and stays that way through the book. The book gets you hooked. The setting is in all the factions and there is a war everyday or a bombing, the bombing happens because of the divergents. The book is a very good and you have to think about how it would be like if you were there.
There is a third book of the series coming out in 0ctober on the 22, 2013.