Tuesday, March 26, 2013

The Berlin boxing club

This book is about a boy who is a son of an artist. He is very weak and scrawny. One day he met a famous boxer and his wife. The man wanted to trade a painting for boxing lessons. The boy agreed to take boxing lessons. To be a good boxer he had to go through a bunch of good and bad training. This book is a very good and sad book. I would give this book a 4 out of 5 stars. The book is very descriptive and may not be appropriate for children 11 and under.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

The one and only ivan

This is a book about a monkey. His name is Ivan. Ivan tells you all about the zoo and his friends in the zoo through out the book. The book takes a little while to get into, but otherwise this book is okay. The book is not very descriptive. This book takes a while to get into. The book is a award winning book.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

someone named eva

This book is about the holocaust and is very sad. This book starts out with a girl and her family and they get taken nazis. Her mother, father and siblings are taken to a different camp. The girl is taken to be looked at and she has the same looks hitler wants to become a german girl.  The girl is only about 8 years old . She goes through training to learn german and many other things. This book is very good and sad.

notes from the midnight driver

This book is about a boy who gets drunk and crashes into a lawn. There was nome on the lawn and he cracked the head and was sent to court. When he went to court he was assigned a punishment. He was assigned to go to a nursing home and help a older man.  The man and him did not become good friends at first, but as time grew they started to become better friends. This book is very good and kinda sad.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013


This is a graphic novel. This is by the same author as the book Smile.
This book is about a play that a bunch of kids are in and are trying to do props and school work and find out who likes who. This book is very good and a very easy read.
If you like graphic novels I would recommend this book to you. This book took me about an hour or so.


This book is about a Cyborg Girl who is treated very mean by her step mother and sister.
This book is like a cinderella and star wars mixed. The beginning of this book took me a little while to get into. After the fist 5 chapters you start getting into it. Its a great book about romance, and a bad disease and royalty. Also just wondering whats gonna happen next.


This is another book of the ugglies
This book is very good. this book is entertaining and very thought out.
As your reading imagine what you would feel like if you were in the situation.
This book is about Tally going over into the New Smokie.
Keep reading this its so good I am speechless.